Rezultatele căutării
Am găsit 36 freelanceri. pentru categoria Salesforce
Business Development Supervisor
I am a business analyst with more than 10 years experience who wants to grow and learn new skills through new projects. I am currently involved in creating, designing and implementing different...
Business Analyst 11 Microsoft Power BI 2 Project management (IT) 2 Salesforce 3
Sales Expert
Cu o traiectorie impresionantă începând din 2007 în industria vânzărilor, m-am impus ca un lider de excepție într-o serie de sectoare exigente. Am debutat într-unul dintre cele mai competitive...
Salesforce 15
Sales professional with Scrum Agile PM / Business Analyst
Am studii avansate în managementul proiectelor și antreprenoriat ce m-au echipat cu perspective strategice asupra managementului proceselor interne, dinamicii echipelor și angajamentului clienților....
Dezvoltare Agile 1 SCRUM 1 Business continuity management (BCM) 3 Business-to-business (B2B) 15 Salesforce 3 Management 8 Managementul crizei 3 Managementul schimbării 3 Planificarea strategică corporatistă 3 Consultanță în afaceri 4
Technical Support Representative
Aproximativ toata experienta mea personala este formata din roluri de Customer Support, fac asta de ~3 ani. Excelez in comunicarea verbala, dar si scrisa in limba Romana sau Engleza. Am obtinut...
Calypso 1 Salesforce 1 Cisco 1
Java 2 SpringBoot 1 Web development 1 Salesforce 1
Data Engineer
Please find below the list of tools with which I have experience and some of the skills: DB : Oracle Database, Microsoft SQL Server, Vertica, PostgreSQL, Snowflake, MySQL. ETL Tools : Talend,...
SQL 6 ETL 6 Salesforce 2
Business Development Strategist
Dezvoltare de strategii pentru atragerea clienților noi prim email, telefon și publicitate (B2B & B2C).
Salesforce 3 Salesloft 1 Managementul vânzărilor 3 Marketing social media 2 Strategie de comunicare 3 Inginer de vânzări 3 Business-to-business (B2B) 2 Business-to-Consumer (B2C) 1 Microsoft Office 365 6
Salesforce 2 Microsoft Dynamics NAV 3 Microsoft Dynamics ERP 3 SAP - basic administration (BC) 2 SAP BW/4HANA 2
Sales Representative
Open to learn person, hard working and out of the box thinking. I had involvement in many projects within the company that I had the opportunity to work. My background in sales, communication,...
Salesforce 8
Sales & Marketing Manager
Sales and marketing professional with over 20 years of experince in FMCG & pharma industries, people management and development and creating of successful teams during the years of activity
Salesforce 21 Marketing comercial 12